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How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk: Conversations with Your Inner Critic

Woman with tattoos, headphones and microphone
Kirsten Johansen

Does your Inner Critic have a lot to say? You’re not alone! Your Inner Critic takes its job seriously and shows up to remind you that you’re not good enough, you didn’t do it right, you should have said something different, you need to do better, be better, and work harder. When you dream of a different life, a new career, moving to another country, or chasing a dream, it steps in to tell you that it is simply too complicated and impractical and that you should keep your head down and stay the course. It doesn’t want you to get any crazy ideas about accepting yourself unconditionally because the power it wields will be wrested away from it. Once that happens, the possibilities are endless…for YOU, not for IT. Join me for the launch of GTO Freedom for Humans with my exceptional guest, Roland Williams: friend, colleague, addiction specialist, and all-around wonderful human. We will discuss the show's mission: to spread the word about the transformational healing power of unconditional self-love. We’ll discuss the Inner Critic’s origin and its role in addiction, relapse, and recovery and offer tips and practices for freeing yourself from its influence.

Guest: Roland Williams

Roland F. Williams, MA, MAC, ICAADC, LAADC, NCAC II, CADCII, ACRPS, SAP Roland is an interventionist, author, trainer, counselor, and consultant specializing in the treatment of Substance Use Disorders. He is President and Founder of Free Life Enterprises, an international counseling and consulting firm that provides worldwide consultation, clinical training, program development, interventions, and staff supervision. He is the President and CEO of the Gorski-CENAPS organization.

Professional African American Man
Roland Williams

He is the Founder and Director of the United Auburn Indian Community Recovery Program. He has provided counseling and consulting services to individuals and treatment facilities worldwide, including Switzerland, Holland, France, Dominican Republic, Italy, Thailand, Japan, The Philippines, and the United Kingdom. Roland works with the Offender Mentorship Certification Program, teaching CAADAC classes to incarcerated inmates. He works with impaired legal and medical professionals and facilitates weekly support groups. He has published three books on Relapse Prevention from a cultural perspective and has written numerous articles on addiction and recovery. He is a frequent lecturer and workshop presenter at conferences worldwide. However, he is most proud of the fact that he has been in Recovery himself since June 10, 1986.

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